It is also very easy to involve kids in preparing this quiche. Mine love to chop mushrooms and zucchini with plastic knives, safe and useful. They help me by whisking eggs and creme and in the end mixing the ingredients and pouring in the mould. The boys feel useful, they see how the food is prepared and maybe they will eat it better because of the pride they feel in having cooked.
Enough about my kids, here is the recipe for this mouthwatering zucchini quiche.
1 large zucchini
1 small onion
1 cup mushrooms
3-4 free range eggs
250 g sour creme
1 cup grated cheese
1 pack quiche dough
salt, pepper, curry, etc
optional - cherry tomatoes, diced bacon
How to
Peel and grate the zucchini. If you have organic produce, you can keep the skin after you wash it. Chop the onion and throw it in a pan of hot oil, when the onion is translucent, throw in the zucchini. Stir. Wash and chop the mushrooms, throw them over the zucchini and onion. Stir some more, add salt, pepper, some curry if you want. The whole is done when the mix is no longer watery.

Bake for about 30 mins at 180C