Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Good Moms

I took this picture in the house of our friends. She is a great mother of two but her floors are never sticky and her kids are among the happiest I've seen.  So I guess it's possible.

Then why are my floors sticky? Ah well, at least my kid is laughing like crazy.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sleep, baby, sleep

Oh please, do sleep! We've tried everything, really every thing. Singing him to sleep, this seems to work, he likes dirty French songs and counting elephants. But it only works half of the time. We've tried letting him cry it out. This almost never works at night times. We're trying nighttime rituals and soothing the baby with no tears. We've done swaddling and other S words as well, worked well at some point, not anymore.

At the moment, we are going through the "I don't wanna fall asleep" phase and the things we tried before seem useless. Just before, he had a "I go to sleep at 9 PM, wake up at 7 with you guys" phase. That was the dream, we had date nights with my husband in front of a movie. "Now you see me" is fun although we still haven't seen the end, after 3 tries, ah well, the joys of parenthood.

Last night we got him in bed with us. We are not co-dodo or co-sleep adepts but last night at midnight, we cracked, got him in bed with us and, after a few cries (he never cries unless he is really tired, he's belly hurts or he's hungry, I'll let you guess which one was this time) he eventually fell asleep next to me, with my hand on his tummy. I then scooped him up and placed him in his crib where he slept until the morning when our daytime routine started.

The idea is that he is supposed to sleep on his own and we don't seem to find a way to help him with falling asleep on his own, he always gets some help from us. Any tips on how to train a baby to sleep? Our's seems to want to talk and smile or worse, cry if left alone, rather than sleep.

When he does sleep, oh the blessign, he sleeps until morning, undisturbed and serene. And he is such a happy, healthy baby babling away and playing all day long, sometimes continuing at night.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Nursery under the roof

The time has come for our little boy to transition to his own space. It will be a slow thing, first off will be the building of his space. Our loft has a low, open space which will be the nursery once we add a door. And a wall, of course. I am looking for inspiration, as always, on pinterest.

And as always, one of my favorites comes from Ikea. I love the rug and the kid playing with the wood train set. and the shelves and the wall decal. I don't like the picture of the boy's head, guves me the creeps.
Again Ikea... the colors are wrong, of course, even if I am all for not labelling blue as the only color for boys. The nook bed will be a feature of the room due to the low ceilling.

I love this bed. I should also look for a low table. And of course, the Malm drawers, why didn't I think of that?

Storage! I need lots of storage space, I'll go crazy with all the clothes and toys. 5month olds have more clothes than me!

Built in shelves could be a solution for the storage problem. Oh and the cute rocking horse. Totally love the bench too.

My idea for the desk looks a lot like this:

I hope I am inspiring you to create a space under the roof for your baby. I definetly think kids like to play in such places, they must feel protected, like under a tent.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Getting back

Happy 2014 to you all! I know I come late to the game, but better late than never.

And as always, with the new year wishes come the resolutions. One of my resolutions, as every year is to keep writting here hoping I will not go totally gaga from staying at home with a baby.

If you want to encourage me to write, please just leave comments, feedback is greatly appreciated.

See you again, soon, in the mean time, check my pinterest page as well, here.
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