Monday, July 27, 2009

The Czech Lands

This weekend I was in the South of Bohemia, on a boat trip (more about that later, I hope to have some pictures also). En route we passed by some towns and villages. We basically did the Czech countryside (on s'est paume dans la campagne) from Mlada Boleslav to Tynec nad Sazavou, South of Prague.

Below a picture from "Skoda Town", Mlada Boleslav, it looks a bit like a neighbourhood in Bucharest, only more colorful. And you guys were being mean when Vanghelie painted the buildings, here, they are painted and insulated.

From there we went towards Prague. This picture is just to show that they have highways.

We passed by a castel near Prague. These are the Czech Lands : communist buildings and old castels and historical towns. Really, there is more to this country than Prague. It's a shame that all the expats don't know anything else, they all live in Prague or in a big city and don't even try to discover the rest.

That's all for now, but do come back, a story of me on a canoe to follow.


  1. fanclubul tau din Romania vrea poze cu tine in caoe bune de pus ca postere pe peretii sediului... :p

  2. Eu nu am facut poze, ca nu am vrut sa risc viata aparatului meu (de altfel nu aveam nici bani la mine si eram la 15 km de pct de plecare, uda si moarta de foame).
    Dar a facut cineva si sper sa le obtin(daca ii merge aparatul :D).
    Am un fanclub? Sunt onorata


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